Please click on the links below and view our useful documents for more information.
Personal, social and health and economic education (PSHE) is a planned element of the whole curriculum that helps to give children the knowledge, skills and understanding they need to lead confident, healthy, independent lives and to become informed, active, responsible citizens in a rapidly changing world.
Here at West Park we feel it is important to promote and support the health and wellbeing of the children, the staff and the school community. We believe that our PSHE programme is an essential part of this. PSHE includes delivery of statutory Relationships and Health Education in primary schools, as required by the Department for Education.
Pupils’ personal, social and emotional development can be encouraged by a supportive school ethos, where all are valued and encouraged, positive relationships are seen as important and there is a safe and secure school environment which is conductive to learning.
At West Park we strive to provide such an ethos, and this is reflected in our whole school aims. We consistently work to support children in developing appropriate attitudes and behaviour which will help them make meaningful relationships and transitions; to realise their personal ambitions in a complex and ever changing world and to learn that success, achievement and fulfilment should go hand in hand with mutual respect and support for one another.

The scheme we use for the teaching of PSHE in school is called 1Decision, which is used by many schools across England. This scheme follows characters that take the children through scenarios and gives them time to discuss the choices they may need to make. It allows them to see the impact of making the right choices and the wrong choices via short films.
Parent Information
We understand that parents will often have questions around many of the topics covered in PSHE and we would always encourage parents to contact school to discuss any questions they might have. Our PSHE curriculum programme overview and relevant school policies for PSHE and RSE (Relationships & Sex Education) are also available on this page to help parents and carers understand our approach to this important subject.