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Meet our team
Ms J Hawkins - SENDCO/Assistant Headteacher/DDSL
Miss F Martin-Harvey - Deputy SENDCO
Mrs R Dowdeswell - SEND Assistant
Mrs C Nicholls - SALT Assistant KS1 & KS2
Mrs L Hyde - SALT Assistant EYFS
To find out more about our Special Educational Needs provision please click on a document from the list below.
The Wolverhampton Local Offer sets out all services available to support children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities, from birth to 25 years, and their families.
Please click here for more information about the Wolverhampton Local Offer.
All children are special.
All Children have individual needs.
At West Park Primary we aim to meet all the needs of all of our children.

Special Educational Needs

We have a newly installed Sensory Room which supports children with a range of needs.

We provide our SEND children with a appropriate supports to aid learning or regulation.

Our staff are highly trained in a wide range of targeted and specialist provisions to meet the needs of our children.
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