The school has been on an exciting Visible Learning journey over the last three years’ based on the work of academic John Hattie.
We are developing pupils who are active, self-aware learners.
Our journey started when we asked pupils ‘What makes a good learner?’ and we found that most talked about good behaviours. So together we developed and embedded a shared language of learning which has made a HUGE difference. Look at our learning dispositions below.

We also strive for all children to be feedback seekers in every lesson – this means they take every opportunity to BE THE BEST THEY CAN BE! Look at our poster:

Teachers and teaching assistants have all undertaken training and this summarises John Hattie’s Eight Mind Frames for Teachers: https://visible-learning.org/2014/08/john-hattie-mind-frames-teachers/
Key concepts which underpin the school ethos
Growth mindset based on the work of Carol Dweck where children are taught to love challenge, see mistakes as opportunities, value hard work and keep learning and persevering. We praise resilience and children know that learning is hard work! Have a look at this video to find out more.
The Learning Pit is used as a classroom tool to support the children’s capacity to overcome challenge and not rely on an adult for help straight away
All children also get one to one learning conferences through the year with their class teacher which is a time to discuss learning, progress and attainment in depth.

For 2020/21, we are moving forward with our school plan to ensure each pupil is challenged to think more deeply in lessons across the curriculum using a SOLO TAXONOMY approach. Here are some examples: